Listen online Tuesday July 9th at 8PM ET to a live interview with NuTesla founder James D. Honeycutt on InnerSpeak Soul Adventures with Jean Adrienne. James will be discussing his latest article Frequencies that Heal and Frequencies that Kill. The real reason why ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) is making us sick is because engineers quit applying healthy techniques to their designs when Electromedicine, which was introduced by Tesla in 1890, was abandoned after physicians couldn’t explain how it worked. EMR induces brainwave entrainment, affecting our Circadian Rhythm.


1. Science and Spirituality work together to explain the universe and us
2. As Energy Beings we are affected by natural and manmade energies that can move us closer to or further away from our ultimate goals
3. Simple steps to avoid or reduce exposure to harmful energies

Tune in online Tuesday at 8PM ET (5PM PT) here.