Ever since Lougi Galvani’s discovery in 1790 of “Animal Magnetism”, now known as cellular potential, electricity has been used for therapeutic purposes. NuTesla has scoured historical and recent Electromedicine literature and selected documents are now available on our Members Download webpage http://nutesla.com/members/downloads/

Nikola Tesla accelerated Electromedicine with his discoveries of high frequency currents, and NuTesla’s Wellness Instruments are the natural evolution of advancements in micro-electronics, honoring the ‘Man who tamed lightning”. NuTesla’s premier rechargeable pocket sized wellness instrument, Metronome, is now being offered at an additional $50 savings for a limited time at $447.00.

Regarding Electromedicine Tesla made the following announcement just prior to his passing in 1943:

“Fifty years ago, while investigating high frequency currents developed by me at that time, I observed that they produced certain physiological effects offering new and great possibilities in medical treatment. My first announcement spread like fire and experiments were undertaken by a host of experts here and in other countries. … I cured a number of people, among them my great friend Mark Twain whose books saved my life. … During the succeeding years I made great improvements and finally evolved a design which leaves nothing to be desired. The machine will be very small and light. … Unless I am grossly mistaken it will be introduced very extensively and, eventually, there will be one in every household.

“The practical application of [ELECTRICAL] THERAPY through my oscillators will profoundly affect human life. … It is reasonable to expect that through this and other healthful actions ulcers and similar internal lesions or abscesses will be cured and relief might be obtained even in cases of a cancer or other malignant growth. Skilled physicians and surgeons will be able to perform veritable miracles with such oscillations. They stimulate strongly the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder and other organs and by these desirable actions they must contribute not a little to well being. … It is not to be forgotten that the elimination of countless drugs, patent medicines and specific remedies of all kinds taken internally, by which millions of people doom themselves to an early grave, will be of untold good to humanity.”

Unfortunately, Tesla’s evolved Electrotherapy machine was never introduced, quite possibly because of its threat to the pharmaceutical industry. Gratefully, Electromedicine is finally reemerging as Tesla’s discoveries of resonant oscillations have come to light. NuTesla is proud to be a part of electromedicine’s renaissance and Rhythmedics instruments embody the fundamental work of Nikola Tesla using the latest discoveries to create instruments our namesake would be proud of as well. For a limited time NuTesla’s premier rechargeable pocket sized wellness instrument, Metronome, is now being offered at an additional $50 savings for $447.00.