ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) is all around us and without any protection it will affect us all to some degree. The last article titled Frequencies that Heal and Frequencies that Kill identified one way EMR affects us, interfering with our internal biological clock regulating critical biological processes. So how do you protect yourself from EMR? Trying to stay abreast of new technologies, scientific breakthroughs and medical discoveries keeps me busy and I like to share any noteworthy findings. Passive technologies, such as stickers for your cell phones, holographic wristbands or cards for your wallet are simply not enough given the level of exposure we face every day. Active EMR amelioration is needed and Clarius is NuTesla’s affordable instrument to provide area enhancement by creating a protective bubble to interrupt EMR while restoring Circadian rhythms using patented Fibonacci based technolgies.

In my research I come across so called ‘competitive’ products, and recently was made aware of the Quwave Harmonizer. The following chart is based upon information publicly available on both products. Of particular note, Clarius is currently on sale for $197 by going to http://SimplyClearing.com/corporate and using the ‘Buy Now’ button halfway down the page, below the pictures on that webpage. The comparison chart below shows Clarius as clearly superior to Quwave (pun intended).


NuTesla remains committed to provide safe and effective instruments that are simple to use and simple to acquire. If you ever come across a product that you would like NuTesla to compare to one of ours, just send me an email, or reply to this one.

Clarius is perfect for use in the home, at work and in your car. Clarius can also be used to clear and recharge the energies in your jewelry, food and drinks. Clarius is the most affordable active EMR protection instrument available. Download the full User Guide here and read all about the amazing capabilities and features this compact powerhouse of EMR protection has to offer. If you currently have a Clarius, make sure you have the latest firmware by visiting the Instrument Console webpage and following the instructions on how to connect your Clarius to your computer and identify its firmware version, as well as how to download and apply the latest update if needed.