NuTesla founders were granted their fourth patent, this one for Püriusxv, and we’ve launched a funding campaign on Our goal is to raise $75,000 so we can begin production of the Püriusxv in early 2014 and have it retail for under $50! Püriusxv turns harmful EM polluters into healthy Bio-Pulse emitters. It plugs into any powered USB Type A receptacle, scans the host environment to determine the optimum settings and then starts transmitted a specially modulated carrier frequency with Solfeggio, Rife and Schumann resonant frequencies in a Circadian format. Püriusxv is the size of small thumb-drive as shown in the image below.
PuriusXV Top and Bottom Angled with Coin
Visit the new Püriusxv website to learn all about this marvel of engineering that overcomes the inherent problems in technology with amazing elegance. And visit to help us bring this most affordable EM pollution solution to the world.