Create a Clear Energy Barrier by Interrupting ElectroMagnetic Radiation
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array of deep space telescopes

We are surrounded by both natural and man-made electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which can rob you of your vitality and focus by disrupting your Circadian Rhythms or internal clock. Clarius emits a field of healthy energies that interrupts harmful EMR while restoring your internal clock. You can use Clarius at home, in the office or even in the car to create your own personal clear energy space.

Kathy from Simpsonville, SC says, “I work at a fairly large manufacturing plant, about 1400 employees. Every day since using the Clarius I have noticed people congregating at or near my cubicle. People will stop to have conversations near me or come into the cubicle. Since it is such a huge increase from before I know it is because of the Clarius. I find it interesting that subconsciously our bodies know where to go to get the good stuff. “

Recharge Your Work and Living Spaces with More Focus Power


Clarius now comes with eight preset programs designed to help recharge your workspace while helping you relax and turn a few minutes of downtime into a meditative and restorative experience that helps you recover quickly. With Clarius you can stay focused on the tasks at hand and simply get more done without feeling depleted.

Angelica from Los Angeles, CA says, “Thanks again so much and we are excited to learn more and share this with all of our friends and clients. I tested it on a client who suffers from OCD, PTSD and addiction and the second he was around Clarius he felt calm and present.”

Is Your Computer Killing You?


ElectroMagnetic Radiation from your computer can rob you of vitality and energy and leave you more susceptible to illness and anxiety. Clarius actively ameliorates the harmful effects of EMR in your personal space by restoring your natural rhythms while interrupting EMR signals using patented Bio-Pulses to reduce stress while energizing you at the same time.

Abel from Jonesboro, GA says, “After using [Clarius] program 4 for a brief time it changed something. I was more aware of my breathing, of my posture and of where my center of balance was. It was like it cleansed me in such a way that I was more aware of what was going on around me.”

Looking For More Energy and Less Stress?

Smiling hispanic girl with laptop lying on grass

Clarius is a personal space energy clarifier that plugs into a USB port on your computer, or uses the included standard USB power adapter. It creates a field of healthy energies around your workspace, in your car or at home, helping you stay focused and attentive without adding stress and without the jitters of caffeine or energy drinks.

Sara from Black Mountain, SC says, “After a week of running the [Clarius] Body Blaster program several hours a day, I feel so peaceful and relaxed and happy.”

Clarius is a 2½” square, thin USB powered instrument based on the resonant energy discoveries of Nikola Tesla to generate patented Fibonacci frequency Bio-Pulses™. Clarius’ non-sensory brainwave entrainment supports increased mental focus and energy while helping you staying relaxed. Clarius’ Bio-Pulses restore your body’s Circadian Rhythms while interrupting unwanted electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with your wellness. There are no pills to take, no headphones to wear, nothing to drink, just plug Clarius in and start improving your energy and attention. Clarius is made in the USA and comes with a Risk-Free 30 Day money-back guarantee. Order now to save $50.


Rhythmedics® Clarius™
The Simple Solution for Clearing Your Space

Create your own personal clear energy zone with Rhythmedics® Clarius™

We live in a tumultuous sea of ElectroMagnetic Radiation and Pollution (EMR). NuTesla developed Rhythmedics® Clarius™ to actively interrupt EMR in your working and living spaces while restoring the body’s internal clock known as the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN). Clarius uses patented Fibonacci based Scalar Wave Bio-Pulses to create a bubble of clarifying and harmonizing energy to interrupt EMR extending more than 2 meters (6 feet) in all directions. Clarius is powered by a standard USB port on your laptop or desktop computer, or with its included USB Mini-B power adapter. Its Scalar-Phi Bio-Pulses follow Ultradian Rhythm patterns supporting the SCN resulting in reduced stress while energizing and harmonizing you at the same time.
Special Discounted Online Price $197! SAVE $50!
Now with EIGHT Clearing programs PLUS Critical Flicker Fusion AND a built-in EMR Detector

How To Use Clarius for Simply Clearing in 3 Steps

Step 1 Power Your Clarius

How To Clarius

Clarius is powered with its own AC adapter or with a computer’s USB port.

Step 2 Select Your Program


Select 1 of 8 included preset programs for increasing attention and focus, improving wellness, meditation, or relaxation.

Step 3 Clarify your area


Clarius begins working immediately to clear your space of unhealthy EMR while restoring your body’s internal rhythm.

Want to know more? Download Clarius User Guide PDF