The restarting of the Mayan calendar in December of 2012 ushered in an increase in awareness across the globe. We now know this colossal alignment brought our solar system into the central plane of our galaxy, an area of increased cosmic particles and activity. Our world and solar system have been experiencing this supercharging of energies that nearly everyone has felt on some level. 2013 was a Year of Awakening as these energies literally woke us up on some internal, spiritual level.

This increased awareness created a yearning to understand more about ourselves and our place not only in the world, but also in the universe and in eternity. As a result we searched for answers, reading more, praying more, meditating and reflecting more. Many found a need to make changes in their lives and 2014 has been a Year of Change, as we have applied our new found understandings and taken steps in moving ourselves to be a part of the cosmic alignment.

These changes have been cautious ones for most of us, and sometimes almost imperceptible shifts in our ways of looking at the world and our place in it. Small or not, these changes were made from internal urges we could not ignore. And even with the uncertainties these changes brought we have moved forward and embraced the changes in our lives and in the lives of those whom we trust. While we still face a future of uncertainty, there is a calmness in our spirit that leads us forward.

The coming year, 2015, will be a Year of Action as we apply the internal changes to our external lives. People that have not shared their new understandings and awareness openly will begin to do so. The light will continue to grow and expand within all who embrace it. This is a universal light, shared by all the earth’s inhabitants, regardless from what sphere of existence they originated.

With all surges of light there are, unfortunately, attempts from darkness to suppress its expansion. Fear and faith cannot coexist, we must decide and act accordingly to stay true to the changes in ourselves.

NuTesla stands ready to help you in your journey to achieve better health, find balance in life, integrate body, mind and spirit, improve your sleep and increase your clarity, all while combating harmful EMR wherever you may find yourself in this coming year of action.