The latest video interview of NuTesla President, James Honeycutt with Rebecca Jernigan that streamed Live on October 7, 2015, is now posted online on YouTube (click this link) in 4 parts, each about 30 minutes in length. All four parts are also conveniently located on NuTesla’s homepage in the center column (click here).

This interview focuses on new ways to protect oneself from harmful EMR, new research on the oxidative action of low-level radio wave emissions from wireless devices and mobile phones on our body’s cells, updates on Smart Meters, and how to make more informed buying decisions on EMR safety devices.

In the interview I mentioned there were several websites providing accurate EMR safety information and product reviews. These are not websites with which I have any relationship, and they are listed below for your benefit. One of the gravest concerns of sham EMR ‘protection’ devices is trusting the device is actually helping and as a result failing to take common-sense steps to avoid overexposure to EMR.

Electric Sense
US Federal Trade Commission on Cell Phone Radiation Scams
Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric and Electromagnetic Pollution
Conrad Biologic – EMF Scams