By James D. Honeycutt, PhD and John C. Honeycutt, July 2013

In the July 2008 Report to Congress on Motor Vehicle Crash Causation[1] the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported “In cases where the researchers attributed the critical reason to the driver, about 41 percent of the critical reasons were recognition errors (inattention, internal and external distractions, inadequate surveillance, etc.).” This represents the single largest cause of all motor vehicle accidents. The report continued, “Among other associated factors, fatigued drivers were twice as likely to make performance errors as compared to drivers who were not fatigued.” This emphasizes the importance of maintaining vigilance and alertness when operating a motor vehicle.

In Driving without awareness[2] attention loss and driver drowsiness were shown to occur for every fifth driver in a monotonous drive on a simulated highway. When vehicle speed and road conditions are relatively constant repetitive sensory and non-sensory stimuli contribute to Highway Hypnosis. This is “also known as white line fever, [is] a mental state in which a person can drive a truck or automobile great distances, responding to external events in the expected manner with no recollection of having consciously done so.”[3]

The 2008 NHTSA report goes on to say, “The information about driver-related critical reasons will … improve the design of dashboard electronics, or telematics, that reduce the potential for driver inattention.” Telematics is the “convergence of telecommunications and information processing,” [4] which later evolved to refer to automation in automobiles, such as the invention of the emergency warning system. Rhythmedics® Clarius™ complements any vehicle’s telematics to improve driver alertness.

Unlike driver fatigue warning systems, such as those introduced by Volvo[5] and Mercedes-Benz[6], or the newer eye monitoring systems[7], Clarius works by entraining vigilant Beta brainwave activity while keeping the driver and other occupants relaxed by restoring their biological clock and interrupting repetitive EMR signals using Bio-Pulses™. Bio-Pulses are based on Electromedicine’s position that all living cells contain a voltage potential. When Electromedicine fell out of practice in the early 1900’s engineers quit applying ‘safe’ frequencies to their designs and allowed cost and time saving shortcuts to be applied to new electronic devices without regard to their impact on health. Nowhere is this more evident than in today’s electronically controlled vehicles.

Rhythmedics Clarius is the telematics solution for mitigating driver fatigue. All you need to use Clarius in your automobile is a 12 Volt to USB A adapter and a USB A to Mini-B cable. These are both available here
USB 2Port High Power Car Adapter Small

Clarius is a US patented 2 and 1/2″ square, thin USB powered instrument based on the resonant energy discoveries of Nikola Tesla. Clarius uses Rife frequencies blended with the Solfeggio notes and Schumann’s earth resonance to combat unwanted EMR in vehicles. It’s Fibonacci number generated Bio-Pulses create non-sensory brainwave entrainment for safer and more relaxed driving. Clarius is made in the USA and comes with a money-back 30 day guarantee. For a limited time NuTesla will provide a 12V to USB dual Port power adapter at no additional cost when you purchase Clarius. To learn more visit