CLARIUS FRONT CleanNuTesla is sharing our excitement about our third Patent being published by offering Clarius for only $177! This special pricing is only valid until Monday, September 9th. PayPal has also extended their 6 months Bill Me Later offer until the end of September, so now is a great time to add Clarius to your defenses against unwanted Electromagnetic Radiation. Visit either or NuTesla’s Clarius product webpage to receive this amazing limited time offer.

HiResWe also have a new special short video presentation on the effects of EMR on the body featuring the model Erin Axtell, who has graciously allowed us to use her video image to help others learn how EMR can affect you. Check it out on the link above, or on’s homepage

Page-images-CFFIf you missed James’ latest online interview on the Awakening Zone with Jean Adrienne, you can listen to it here, and its also available on’s homepage as well. Awakening Zone listeners can also take advantage of reduced pricing and free domestic shipping on Somnius and Clarius by visiting NuTesla’s InnerSpeak discount page.