A significant number of our Rhythmedics customers are Mac users and until now they have not been able to successfully apply updates to their instruments using a Mac. This has been resolved using the two-part update files and procedures on the Instrument Update Webpage for Mac Users

The problem stemmed from how Macs handled the Rhythmedics flash-drive that is formatted for Windows. Macs copy hidden system files to any Windows formatted drive and this reduced the space available for the instrument updates. Previous attempts to break the updates into smaller sizes had failed because the Mac didn’t completely erase the partial updates. This has been corrected and the steps are clearly illustrated on the Mac Update webpage. A PDF file is available for download illustrating the Rhythmedics Update Procedure using MacOS.

All the latest updates for Somnius, Clarius, Pendulum, Metronome and Tesla Jewels are available on the Mac User webpage for download in two parts with detailed instructions and screen shots to help you easily update your instrument. If you have previously attempted to update an instrument with a Mac and it failed, you will need to go to Step 14 in the Update instructions PDF file to remove the old update files from your instrument prior to applying the new updates. The key is to move the old files to the Trash folder and then emptying the Trash folder before removing the instrument or attempting the update.