The Winter Solstice of 2012 (21 December 2012) marked the “end” of the Mayan Calendar, which actually repeats every 5,125.36 years. The significance of this ‘resetting’ of the Mayan calendar was two-fold. First was the great alignment of the Earth with our Sun and the sun, Alcyone, which our solar system orbits, and Sirius, which Alcyone orbits and the Great Central Sun at the center of our galaxy. Second was the movement of our solar system into the photon belt of our galaxy, an event which literally propelled our planet and this entire solar system into an area of greater cosmic density and photonic activity.

Before then, our solar system was virtually ‘in the dark’ so to speak with regards to this belt of increased particles and energy. Consequently, December 21, 2012 was the end of a five thousand year period of relative darkness and the beginning of a five thousand year period of light. This single event has caused more of us to awaken to our greater purpose in life and has electrified the world in an amazing way. This is one of the physical reasons for so many people waking up. And not only are more people searching for the truth, they are finding it. The way has opened up for all life in our solar system.

This amazing awakening accelerated throughout 2013 and with the Winter Solstice this past year a tangible, palpable shift has occurred and many people are making 2014 a year of change. Even with all the barriers many felt were holding them back, the changes are being made as we see our place in the universe. Barriers are no longer stopping us from adopting the changes for which we have longer for many years.

NuTesla’s Rhythmedics instruments were conceived to support us through both the awakening and the subsequent changes we are pursuing. Each instrument is designed to interrupt disruptive man-made electromagnetic signals that negatively affect our health. Using Fibonacci based frequencies to restore our body’s internal rhythms sustains us day and night, helping us to peak our performance and improve our wellness. The ability to measure our Personal Wellness Number using Flicker Fusion Frequency gives us a critical tool to measure our progress. And Flicker Fusion can be used to accelerate quantum level brain functioning by helping to shift our awareness to higher frequencies. Regardless of which instrument you choose to use, each one can assist in your personal transformation.

To support this Year of Change, NuTesla has extended its special pricing through the end of June to make our instruments even more affordable.