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The Columbus Dispatch – May 16, 2014

iStock_000003244391XSmallWASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration announced yesterday that people prescribed the sleeping pill Lunesta should be starting with half the current recommended dose, part of the agency’s continuing effort to reduce sleep aids’ risky side effects, such as drowsiness while driving.

The agency recommended a new starting dose of 1 milligram, down from 2 milligrams, and told the pill’s manufacturer, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals, to change its labels to reflect that. Using lower doses means less of the drug will remain in the blood in the morning hours, reducing the risk that people who take it will be impaired while driving.

The change was based partly on findings from a study of 91 adults by the Surrey Clinical Research Center in Britain, whose findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology in 2012.

NuTesla’s Somnius is a drug-free solution to sleep problems, read more here.