Your internal clock affects more than you may know.

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Providing continuous Circadian balancing and EMR interruption

All of us have an internal clock governing our sleep, energy levels, metabolism, and even our ability to stay focused and alert. It helps get us going in the morning, slows us down at night and regulates a myriad of physiological processes occurring right now in your body.


As we age our clock slows down. Our energy drops, we sleep less, it’s harder to stay focused and it takes us longer to heal. In addition to the effects from aging, ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from wireless and electrical devices around us can interfere with the timing of our internal clock. Our bodies are bombarded with EMR from cell phones, laptops, tablets, televisions, and even our automobiles.

All these competing signals confuse our internal clock. The result is more stress, less patience, deeper slumps in energy, more difficulty staying awake, less restful sleep and more illness. We literally grow old, too soon. And the more we try to fix it with energy drinks and caffeine the worse it gets, making the next slump even lower and disturbing our sleep that night. A vicious cycle soon develops where a bad day follows a bad night, and so on. It doesn’t have to be this way anymore.

Personal, Wearable, Active EMR Interruption


Rhythmedics Pendulum Plus by NuTesla, represents the most advanced, wearable wellness instrument for continuous circadian balancing and interruption of unwanted electromagnetic radiation (EMR). A super-capacity, eco-friendly Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery operates Pendulum Plus for over 1 week both day and night between charging. Pendulum Plus generates Bio-Pulses; (US Patents 8,088,057 and 8,167,784) Fibonacci number derived frequencies delivered in ultradian sequences. Pendulum Plus is self-learning and adjusts to you and your lifestyle automatically through its internal position and motion sensor. Pendulum Plus uses our latest internal technology and software to generate Bio-Pulses that are 200 times more efficient in using the available energy, thus allowing a compact rechargeable battery to operate it. Multiple preset programs are dynamically adjusted and activated day and night.

Pendulum Plus now includes an integrated EMR Detector to identify EM Hot Spots. Pendulum Plus features Rhythmedics® patented Scalar-PHI Rife Frequency Bio-Pulses™, precise alternating polarity electromagnetic square waves following natural Circadian Rhythm patterns derived from a Fibonacci fundamental frequency quartz crystal. The Rife and Solfeggio frequencies are emitted in a torus (donut) shaped field that extends. Bio-Pulses aid in the interruption of potentially harmful EMR. Pendulum Plus includes NuTesla’s own Wellness Number [also known as Critical Flicker Fusion (CFF)] measurement to gauge your personal wellness as well as a therapy program customized to your Wellness Number to improve immunity to EM mind control signals. Frequency sliding transitions between Rife program steps support harmonic resonances for an even broader spectrum of healthy energies.

Suri, from Brooklyn says,“Thank you dear for creating something so amazing to help me and the rest of us who want to be helped with all the energies we are so sensitive to … God bless you!”

Keep Pace with the Rhythm of Life


Whether you are running a marathon, running your own business or running the kids to soccer practice, you need the performance edge of Pendulum Plus, giving you the power to get ahead of the curve and the competition. Rhythmedics Pendulum Plus™ represents the cutting edge of wearable Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy instruments featuring Rhythmedics® patented technology to deliver Circadian Rhythm based Bio-Pulses to improve you concentration, boost your energy and help you stay relaxed and focused.

Pendulum Plus is a personal performance instrument with motion and position sensing to adjust its programs and energies to match your activities. It creates a personal energy field of attention focusing and relaxing energy that changes based upon you.

Barbara from Ohio says, “Pendulum’s sleep program really works well for me. It puts me to sleep easily, and during the day the awake program keeps me clear.”

Pendulum Front_Clean

Designed and built in the USA with the highest quality materials, including heavy gold plating for all component contacts and integrated Sacred geometry using gold embedded in the Bio-Pulses pathway, Pendulum Plus comes with a one year limited warranty and 30 day money-back guarantee.

Buy Pendulum Plus Now for $347 and Save $50!

With extended life Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery. Includes 2 Awake programs, 2 Sleep programs, 2 Meditation/Relax programs, a Wellness program and an Energize program. Pendulum Plus also includes Wellness Number using Critical Flicker Fusion and EMR detection capabilities.

For more information about Pendulum Plus, click this link, and return here for this special offer!